CBS-8 Local News

Hello Friends and Family!!!
Of the San Diego Coalition of the Homeless Here is a Family
that received gifts in 2022 from the San Diego Coalition
of the Homeless. I would like to thank them for sharing these pictures
with us from Christmas day to see the wonderful celebration,
and the smiling faces of the children opening presents.
In addition, this is the same family gave us a Christmas card & gift.
Can we ask for anything more? Please keep this wonderful family
and all the other families that you contributed to a

New Year and New beginnings in the Year 2024!!!

In addition, here are some more families that we were able to bless!!!!
I pray that everyone is safe and has a bed to sleep in and food to eat in this
New Year from the San Diego Coalition of the Homeless family! Still around!!
Norma Rossi:
203 South Wekiwa
Springs Road
Apopka, Fl 32703
Phone # 1-619-281-1815

The San Diego coalition is still an active part of the community.
We have been and continue to do food distribution twice a week.
If you would like to participate please email or
give us a call donation are always a need for more details please call or email
we will be talking to you soon

The San Diego Coalition for the Homeless is a 501(c)(3) non profit charitable organization that has provided hope and help to the homeless and impoverished families and children in our community since 1979. Our annual Christmas time party is what distinquishes us from other social service agencies. This year we are anxiously preparing for the 45th Annual "Holiday Magic for Kids" holiday party which will be held on (To Be Determine) ,

Poverty is sad for all families, but the saddest victims are the children. They don't understand why they have so little. Our gift to them is a few hours apart from their existence where they can enjoy the holidays like other kids. Last year over 500 low-income and homeless families received boxes of food. Every child, new born to 12 years of age received wrapped toys, stocking stuffers, and a lot of memories. 2100 Logan Ave resounded with music and laughter as our mascots, musicians and mimes entertained the crowd.

The festivities started off with the Buffalo Soldiers presenting the colors in a tradition flag ceremony. Members of the ROTC and local area young pageant contestants and winners were on hand to help make sure everyone was having a great time. Year after year, these young people volunteer and play a huge role in our success. Thank you ladies and gentlemen. We are always looking for volunteers to help prepare for the event by doing children's book drives or collecting food items needed to give needy families and children. Volunteers needed at To Be Determine the evening before and the morning of the event. Please help by submitting packet.

List of Needs 2024:

  1. 4000 candy canes

  2. Wrapping materials. (exemple below)
    Scissors, Ribbons, bows, tape, stickers to mark presents

  3. Each gift needs ID. (Examples below)
    (B-6) for Boy, 6 years old -- (G-6) for Girl, 6 years old

  4. New Toys - The age range is 0-12. (wrapped if possible with ID)

  5. bottled water or snacks for the volunteers

  6. Friday and Saturday during wrapping party
  7. Food to give to the homeless nonperishable

  8. We need a turkey or ham to give every family!

  9. There are many ways to help us this year.

  10. Toys, non-perishable food and monetary donations can be dropped off at three different locations.

  11. Monetary donations are needed! Click on the link in the donate section below to donate via PayPal using your PayPal or a major credit card.

Monetary donations are needed! Click on the link in the donate section below to donate via PayPal using your PayPal or a major credit card. There are many ways to help us this year. Toys, non-perishable food and monetary donations can be dropped off at three different locations.
Drop off Locations:
To Be Determine

There is a registration form in drop down at top,
remember children must be pre-registered to attend, the child may be registered by a
representative from a school, social service agency or other authority.
and the PDF form for further instructions. There is also a link for volunteer instructions at top drop-down .