List of Needs 2024:

  • 4000 candy canes
  • Wrapping materials (exemples below)
    Scissors, tape, stickers to mark presents
  • Each gift needs ID. (examples below)
    (B-6) for Boy, 6 years old;
    (G-6) for Girl,6 years old;
  • New Toys - The age range is 0-12. (wrapped if possible with ID)
  • bottled water or snacks for the volunteers, Friday & Saturday during wrapping party
  • Food to give to the homeless –non-perishable
  • We need a turkey or ham to give every family!
  • Monetary donations are needed! Click on the link in the donate section below to donate via PayPal using your PayPal or a major credit card.
  • There are many ways to help us this year.
  • Toys, non-perishable food and monetary donations can be dropped off at three different locations.
  • Drop off Locations:

    Monetary donations are needed!
    Click on the link in the donate section above to donate via PayPal using your PayPal or a major credit card.
    There are many ways to help us this year.
    Toys, non-perishable food and monetary donations can be dropped off at three different locations.

    Drop off Locations:

    To Be Determine

    To Be Determine at :